Thursday, February 3

30 DBC- Day 26

*my week-in great detail*

Well, Monday-Friday, you just repeat yesterday's post. But, on the weekends, I see Ryan for a few hours (he goes to work around 2) so we normally have breakfast together. Then, I get to hang out with TOBY all day. We sometimes go to my parents or Ryan's parents for dinner, and I get to get caught up on seeing friends and running errands or cleaning that I didn't get to do during the week. I really don't have a 'schedule' that I follow. It's just whatever I feel like. However, this schedule is going to change dramatically as of Friday night! As I mentioned yesterday, I'm going to be starting two new exciting! So my schedule is going to be working some mornings 6-12, then working 3-8 on some days. Not every day, but some days I will probably be working both. I really don't know though, I'm kinda just going to see what happens! :)

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