*what is your favorite television program?*
There is a pretty even toss up between Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives (for current shows). I love the girls on Wisteria Lane just as much as the interns at Seattle Grace. A close second would be shows like Glee, Project Runway and Big Bang Theory. However, my all time favorite is Arrested Development (it's not playing anymore, sad day!). Our new puppy, Toby, is actually named after one of the characters on that show-yes, his legal name is Dr. Tobias Funke. But we call him Toby for short. :)
Friday, December 31
Thursday, December 30
30 DBC- Day 2
*What is my favorite movie?*
As you know from day one, I'm a huge music fan. I am almost as big of a movie buff. It's actually one of Ry's and my hobbies. When we first started dating we would have 'movie night, Wednesday night' every Wednesday. We would meet up at one of our parents house (where we were living at the time) and go to the movie store and take turns picking out a movie and watching it together. It was just a priority we had, and if you want to know something really cool-we've continued the tradition for a little over four years! Execpt now, it's pizza, beer and movie night- but still, a priority. Anyways, I'm a total girly movie fan, so some of my favorite include how to lose a guy in ten days, city of angels and of course the notebook. But right now, my favorite movie would have to be despicable me (which is actually what I'm watching right now!). Love it! If you haven't seen it...you should. Asap. It always makes me so happy.
As you know from day one, I'm a huge music fan. I am almost as big of a movie buff. It's actually one of Ry's and my hobbies. When we first started dating we would have 'movie night, Wednesday night' every Wednesday. We would meet up at one of our parents house (where we were living at the time) and go to the movie store and take turns picking out a movie and watching it together. It was just a priority we had, and if you want to know something really cool-we've continued the tradition for a little over four years! Execpt now, it's pizza, beer and movie night- but still, a priority. Anyways, I'm a total girly movie fan, so some of my favorite include how to lose a guy in ten days, city of angels and of course the notebook. But right now, my favorite movie would have to be despicable me (which is actually what I'm watching right now!). Love it! If you haven't seen it...you should. Asap. It always makes me so happy.
Wednesday, December 29
30 DBC-Day 1
*Name of my favorite song.*
This is so hard. I am a huge music buff and child of the 80's. Seriously, it drives Ryan crazy. To me, there is nothing like 'nothing's gunna stop us now' by Jefferson starship or 'take me home tonight' by Eddie Money. However, my favorite song would probably have to be something by The Beatles. I honestly can't decide which one-here comes the sun, all my lovin, blackbird, let it be, hey Jude (sidenote-I really want to name my first son Jude, no joke. Now if I can only convince Ryan...), come together, and the list goes on and on. I love the Beatles.
This is so hard. I am a huge music buff and child of the 80's. Seriously, it drives Ryan crazy. To me, there is nothing like 'nothing's gunna stop us now' by Jefferson starship or 'take me home tonight' by Eddie Money. However, my favorite song would probably have to be something by The Beatles. I honestly can't decide which one-here comes the sun, all my lovin, blackbird, let it be, hey Jude (sidenote-I really want to name my first son Jude, no joke. Now if I can only convince Ryan...), come together, and the list goes on and on. I love the Beatles.
Tuesday, December 28
30 day challenge
Hi friends!
So, I have been neglecting this blog so much it should be illegal. It's not because I don't have anything to write about, it's just that I've gotten out of habit. So, to return to blogging, I have decided to so the '30 day blog challenge'! I've seen it on a few friends blogs, and it looks pretty fun! It will make me get on blogger daily, or suffer feeling terribly guilty! :) So, here's the 30 day list and what to look forward to...also, I love the convience of mobile blogging, so if anyone knows a great app/way for me to blog without using safari (which is what I'm currently doing) please let me know! Thanks and see you for the next thirty days!!
Day 1 – your favorite song
Day 2 – your favorite movie
Day 3 – your favorite television program
Day 4 – your favorite book
Day 5 – your favorite quote
Day 6 – 20 of my favorite things
Day 7 – a photo that makes you happy
Day 8 – a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9 – a photo you took
Day 10 – a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
Day 11 – a photo of you recently
Day 12 – something you are OCD about
Day 13 – a fictional book
Day 14 – a non-fictional book
Day 15 – your dream house
Day 16 – a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 – an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)
Day 18 – my wedding/future wedding/past wedding
Day 19 – a talent of yours
Day 20 – a hobby of yours
Day 21 – a recipe
Day 22 – a website
Day 23 – a youtube video
Day 24 – where I live
Day 25 – your day, in great detail
Day 26 – your week, in great detail
Day 27 – my worst habit
Day 28 – whats in my handbag/purse
Day 29 – hopes,dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 – a dream for the future
So, I have been neglecting this blog so much it should be illegal. It's not because I don't have anything to write about, it's just that I've gotten out of habit. So, to return to blogging, I have decided to so the '30 day blog challenge'! I've seen it on a few friends blogs, and it looks pretty fun! It will make me get on blogger daily, or suffer feeling terribly guilty! :) So, here's the 30 day list and what to look forward to...also, I love the convience of mobile blogging, so if anyone knows a great app/way for me to blog without using safari (which is what I'm currently doing) please let me know! Thanks and see you for the next thirty days!!
Day 1 – your favorite song
Day 2 – your favorite movie
Day 3 – your favorite television program
Day 4 – your favorite book
Day 5 – your favorite quote
Day 6 – 20 of my favorite things
Day 7 – a photo that makes you happy
Day 8 – a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9 – a photo you took
Day 10 – a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
Day 11 – a photo of you recently
Day 12 – something you are OCD about
Day 13 – a fictional book
Day 14 – a non-fictional book
Day 15 – your dream house
Day 16 – a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 – an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)
Day 18 – my wedding/future wedding/past wedding
Day 19 – a talent of yours
Day 20 – a hobby of yours
Day 21 – a recipe
Day 22 – a website
Day 23 – a youtube video
Day 24 – where I live
Day 25 – your day, in great detail
Day 26 – your week, in great detail
Day 27 – my worst habit
Day 28 – whats in my handbag/purse
Day 29 – hopes,dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 – a dream for the future
Sunday, December 12
Hi Friends!
Can you believe that the last time I posted was in NOVEMBER? This is not ok.
I have missed everyone so much. We have had tons of internet issues lately, and it seems that whenever I have a moment, it's out. But not today! :)
Instead of going through the last few weeks, I'll just start with the recent.
-Side note: I have waited a long, long time to tell you guys about Toby (see previous post). We actually got Toby the second week in august, a few days before my birthday actually. So, he's pretty big now, still terribly adorable though!-
So, anyways, last weekend we went to pick out our first Christmas Tree! How exciting! :) Here are the photos!
That's our tree in the back! It's small, but perfect.
Can you believe that the last time I posted was in NOVEMBER? This is not ok.
I have missed everyone so much. We have had tons of internet issues lately, and it seems that whenever I have a moment, it's out. But not today! :)
Instead of going through the last few weeks, I'll just start with the recent.
-Side note: I have waited a long, long time to tell you guys about Toby (see previous post). We actually got Toby the second week in august, a few days before my birthday actually. So, he's pretty big now, still terribly adorable though!-
My baby
(Toby is a Pomchi, incase anyone was wondering. He's such a joy and I could not imagine my life without him!)
Toby now! He's so big...but he looks so spiffy in his new coat!
We go every year to this random guy's house. He has a sign out by the road and you drive into his backyard and cut down our own tree.
That's our tree in the back! It's small, but perfect.
Merry Christmas!
Monday, November 22
Here's the surprise I promised you...but instead of just telling you about it, I'm just going to post pictures.
(First Bath)
That is a tiny squeaky ball
It is a puupy. His name is Toby.
And he melts my heart.
P.S. Remember this post?
Saturday, November 20
Hello Friends!
-I've been sewing. A LOT! I made pillows and curtains and have many future plans for Christmas presents (PJ pants and a woobie for the boys I nanny), Christmas bunting with a matching table runner and more decorative stuff for our home.
-I've also been wedding scrapbooking. I originally ordered all the wedding photos (our photographer just gave us a CD so I've been snapfishing the photos for 9 cents a print! SCORE!) in color, but then decided to do a scrapbook album in all black and white with my sangria to accent. It's going to look super classy and awesome. I have plans to do a honeymoon album as well, but just haven't gotten around to doing it yet! It's going to look sweet though! (p.s. I just realized that I never shared photos of our honeymoon with you except for one, measly post! This must change soon!)
-I have a surprise for you guys! I'm not preggo so don't even think that, but it's almost just as good! Stay tuned and MONDAY you will find out! :)
Wednesday, November 3
Pumpkin Muffins!
You Guys....
This is the yummiest,
most amazing recipe for pumpkin muffins.
All it takes is three things....
100% pure canned pumpkin, spice cake mix, and chocolate chips.
Mix all together...DO NOT add any extra ingredients (eggs, oil, ect...)
Add chocolate chips (recipe calls for 1/2 of the bag, but since I'm a choco-holic, I added almost all of it...)
Fill muffin cups
Bake 25-30 minutes at 350 degrees...I topped mine with candy corn to make them look cute!
I was telling a friend about how delicious and easy these were and she said that she's made it with chocolate cake instead of spice cake. Might have to try that too...
Monday, November 1
{The End}
So friends....
This is it. The End. The last wedding recap. This is very bittersweet for me because it feels like the wedding is over, but at the same time, I'm excited to start our marriage.
If anyone wants to know more or if I forgot something that you want to know make sure you email me or leave a comment! I love hearing from you, friends!!
Last Dance
'The way you look tonight' By Frank Sinatra
Plans for the Blog:
I'm still going to continue for now to write here on this blog, I'm not sure if there is going to be a theme or if it's just going to be a update blog. I would still love to hear from you and will continue to pop in! :)
(all wedding photographs are from her unless stated otherwise)
On other news....
Today, four years ago, I started dating my best friend. He gave me a hug...little 17 year old Ryan...held me and whispered in my ear that he liked me. And then said,"I think you like me too". For once...he was right. :)
Friday, October 29
{What went wrong}
I was really debating on writing this post. I really was. But for the record, I feel like I'm writing this more for me than anyone. I have considered all of the wedding planning I've documented and all of the wedding recaps sort of a virtual memory. So when I write this one, it's just so I can get all the 'oopsies' out and exposed. Don't get me wrong, our wedding was one of the best days of my entire life. There were ups and downs, tears and laughter, and so many hugs!
So here it is...you've seen the good, but here is the bad and ugly!
1. I had a total break down on the rehearsal dinner night. Like total-bridezilla-crying-yucky breakdown. And unfortunately it was in front of our bridal party and both parents. Everyone (but the person who caused it) was understanding and supportive, which almost makes you cry harder, ya know?
2. I never got my dress pressed. I called my mom on the way over to my parent's house (where we were all meeting) and she asked me if I had everything I needed-veil, jewelry, shoes, dress...which she then asked if I got it pressed. Oops. That never happened. If you remember from this post, I got my dress from another bride who did the same thing I did, ordered a dress and then changed her mind! When I got the dress, it was a perfect fit which means no alterations. I was going to get it pressed because it was wrinkled from the mail, but...
3. My mom didn't get to see me put on my dress. She had to go to the reception site to set up the flowers, and she was running around getting everything done and she missed it.
4. Our florist forgot the peonies for our cake. We ended up having an extra centerpiece so my mom just grabbed the flowers out of that and put them on the cake.
5. We never got pictures of our programs and bubbles/snow. I have a few extra of everything so I just took photos of them, but we didn't get any on our day.
6. Our unity candle was a floating candle in a vase that I got from work when my Grandpa passed away. I made sure Ryan grabbed it and brought it to the ceremony site, but it got lost in communication that it had to be filled with water. So we had a non-filled vase and a non-floating candle. And then we couldn't get it lit. Our pastor made the announcement that it was supposed to be a floating candle and even though we couldn't get it lit, our marriage was still going to work. Haha.
7. We were 45 minutes late to the reception. Our groomsmen surprised us with a limo, which was so sweet and super fun, however since I didn't know I wasn't able to put it in the timeline. We had a photo booth and our guests were a little bit later anyways (our family took pictures a little later than planned and the friends who could drink went out to get a few before the reception, so it ended up ok!)
8. The caterers left right away leaving lots of thirsty guests. But don't worry-they left a sports cooler (one of these little numbers...
9. Our caterer threw away our top 'anniversary' layer of our cake. They rushed out of the center without giving us the cake which they locked in the back. No problem, we'd pick it up after our honeymoon. We went on our honeymoon and when we get back, I call them to find out that they threw it away.
10. We found out that we had to take down the hall that night. I was told that we could come the next day to take it down. But when my dad called to find out how to lock up, and they informed him that the hall had to be taken down because people were coming the next morning at 6:45 am to set it up. My poor family!
11. Ryan didn't put his wedding night bag in my car and so it was stuck playing musical cars until we got to the reception. When we were ready to leave for the hotel, Ry realized that it was in the car of a guest who had already left. So we tracked her down and my fil drove to pick it up. But it left this...
So here it is...you've seen the good, but here is the bad and ugly!
1. I had a total break down on the rehearsal dinner night. Like total-bridezilla-crying-yucky breakdown. And unfortunately it was in front of our bridal party and both parents. Everyone (but the person who caused it) was understanding and supportive, which almost makes you cry harder, ya know?
2. I never got my dress pressed. I called my mom on the way over to my parent's house (where we were all meeting) and she asked me if I had everything I needed-veil, jewelry, shoes, dress...which she then asked if I got it pressed. Oops. That never happened. If you remember from this post, I got my dress from another bride who did the same thing I did, ordered a dress and then changed her mind! When I got the dress, it was a perfect fit which means no alterations. I was going to get it pressed because it was wrinkled from the mail, but...
3. My mom didn't get to see me put on my dress. She had to go to the reception site to set up the flowers, and she was running around getting everything done and she missed it.
4. Our florist forgot the peonies for our cake. We ended up having an extra centerpiece so my mom just grabbed the flowers out of that and put them on the cake.
5. We never got pictures of our programs and bubbles/snow. I have a few extra of everything so I just took photos of them, but we didn't get any on our day.
6. Our unity candle was a floating candle in a vase that I got from work when my Grandpa passed away. I made sure Ryan grabbed it and brought it to the ceremony site, but it got lost in communication that it had to be filled with water. So we had a non-filled vase and a non-floating candle. And then we couldn't get it lit. Our pastor made the announcement that it was supposed to be a floating candle and even though we couldn't get it lit, our marriage was still going to work. Haha.
7. We were 45 minutes late to the reception. Our groomsmen surprised us with a limo, which was so sweet and super fun, however since I didn't know I wasn't able to put it in the timeline. We had a photo booth and our guests were a little bit later anyways (our family took pictures a little later than planned and the friends who could drink went out to get a few before the reception, so it ended up ok!)
8. The caterers left right away leaving lots of thirsty guests. But don't worry-they left a sports cooler (one of these little numbers...
...full of the extra drink (they wouldn't charge us for water, but I wanted some lemonade for the guests to drink if they wanted to) they charged me for. Awesome.
9. Our caterer threw away our top 'anniversary' layer of our cake. They rushed out of the center without giving us the cake which they locked in the back. No problem, we'd pick it up after our honeymoon. We went on our honeymoon and when we get back, I call them to find out that they threw it away.
10. We found out that we had to take down the hall that night. I was told that we could come the next day to take it down. But when my dad called to find out how to lock up, and they informed him that the hall had to be taken down because people were coming the next morning at 6:45 am to set it up. My poor family!
11. Ryan didn't put his wedding night bag in my car and so it was stuck playing musical cars until we got to the reception. When we were ready to leave for the hotel, Ry realized that it was in the car of a guest who had already left. So we tracked her down and my fil drove to pick it up. But it left this...
A very TIRED Bride and Groom!
All in all, we had an amazing wedding and I love all the memories we made. Knowing all of the mistakes, I still would get married, because our wedding wasn't about the wedding. It was uniting two people and committing our lives to each other. And that's the most important thing.
Tuesday, October 26
Since I wasn't 21 when we got married and it turned out that only about 1/4 of our guests would be drinking, we decided to go with another activity. A rented photo booth! It turned out to be a HUGE hit with all our guests. The rental also included a guest book with all of the photo booth pictures and everyone was given a chance to sign it next to their photo. It was really cool! We even bought some props for the photo booth. We're really glad that we did it and it's really fun to see people having fun!
My Parents...Haha
We got to make our own logo that went on the bottom of the strips. It has our date 06.11.10 on the top right and on the bottom it says 'Thank you for celebrating with us!'
If you would like to see more photos...please go here!
All photos from Shutterbooth website
Saturday, October 23
We had a lot of details in our wedding and our photographer did a great job of capturing them. I think she had way too much fun while we were getting ready taking photos of the little things.
Our rings
My Jewelry
Bridesmaid Bouquet and our handmade invites (click here to see process).
My shoes and My Bouquet (done by andylou flowers)
My Hair and my hair flower (done by etsy owner ilzememories)
My veil (done by etsy owner abusymother)
I had this charm of my Grandpa on my bouquet. He passed away last February, but was still with me on my wedding day.
Our Cake. The topper was bought at theknot.com
Our Birdcage card holder. I made the sign in the same ribbon that was on the bouquets and the centerpieces and the paper is the same paper that we used for the invites.
Our centerpieces and favors. Our favors were so so so cute. They were all different, but still in pink and sangria. They all had an envelope on the front that had a packet of wildflower seeds in them and on the back there was a poem that I wrote. It said:
Thank you!
For you, enclosed, is some wild flower seed,
When you arrive home, some love they will need.
Find a nice place for them to bloom,
Preferably outside in the dirt, not in a room.
We hope when you see the flowers grow,
You think of the vows we made and the love we show.
We thank you once again, for coming and sharing our day,
Please enjoy your time here-eat, dance and play!
With love,
Ryan and Sarah K
It also had our new address and our irave photo sharing site (btw, awesome idea!!).
Our head table. It had our unity candle in the middle was a floating candle in a vase.
(These were taken by me)
Ringbear pillow my mother made and baskets
Our bubbles and snow. Go here for more information and photos!
Our Thank Yous
(Also taken by me)
My MIL did these along with the invites and favors-all in the same colors and with the same stamp!
Lots of Details! :)
Photos taken by Jenny Venema Photography
Wednesday, October 20
{Reception Part 3-Flower and Garter Toss}
We did the traditional garter and bouquet toss. It was actually really fun!

I pretended to throw it. It was really funny!
This time I threw it for real.
Jessica caught it! :)
Ryan...o dear.
Grabbed the garter...with his teeth.
And my 7 year old cousin, Jason, caught it. O no!
We did the traditional throw, but we did not have the catcher of the garter put the garter on catcher of the bouquet's leg! That would've been really weird!