Friday, December 31

30 DBC- Day 3

*what is your favorite television program?*

There is a pretty even toss up between Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives (for current shows). I love the girls on Wisteria Lane just as much as the interns at Seattle Grace. A close second would be shows like Glee, Project Runway and Big Bang Theory. However, my all time favorite is Arrested Development (it's not playing anymore, sad day!). Our new puppy, Toby, is actually named after one of the characters on that show-yes, his legal name is Dr. Tobias Funke. But we call him Toby for short. :)

Thursday, December 30

30 DBC- Day 2

*What is my favorite movie?*

As you know from day one, I'm a huge music fan. I am almost as big of a movie buff. It's actually one of Ry's and my hobbies. When we first started dating we would have 'movie night, Wednesday night' every Wednesday. We would meet up at one of our parents house (where we were living at the time) and go to the movie store and take turns picking out a movie and watching it together. It was just a priority we had, and if you want to know something really cool-we've continued the tradition for a little over four years! Execpt now, it's pizza, beer and movie night- but still, a priority. Anyways, I'm a total girly movie fan, so some of my favorite include how to lose a guy in ten days, city of angels and of course the notebook. But right now, my favorite movie would have to be despicable me (which is actually what I'm watching right now!). Love it! If you haven't seen should. Asap. It always makes me so happy.

Wednesday, December 29

30 DBC-Day 1

*Name of my favorite song.*

This is so hard. I am a huge music buff and child of the 80's. Seriously, it drives Ryan crazy. To me, there is nothing like 'nothing's gunna stop us now' by Jefferson starship or 'take me home tonight' by Eddie Money. However, my favorite song would probably have to be something by The Beatles. I honestly can't decide which one-here comes the sun, all my lovin, blackbird, let it be, hey Jude (sidenote-I really want to name my first son Jude, no joke. Now if I can only convince Ryan...), come together, and the list goes on and on. I love the Beatles.

Tuesday, December 28

30 day challenge

Hi friends!
So, I have been neglecting this blog so much it should be illegal. It's not because I don't have anything to write about, it's just that I've gotten out of habit. So, to return to blogging, I have decided to so the '30 day blog challenge'! I've seen it on a few friends blogs, and it looks pretty fun! It will make me get on blogger daily, or suffer feeling terribly guilty! :) So, here's the 30 day list and what to look forward to...also, I love the convience of mobile blogging, so if anyone knows a great app/way for me to blog without using safari (which is what I'm currently doing) please let me know! Thanks and see you for the next thirty days!!

Day 1 – your favorite song
Day 2 – your favorite movie
Day 3 – your favorite television program
Day 4 – your favorite book
Day 5 – your favorite quote
Day 6 – 20 of my favorite things
Day 7 – a photo that makes you happy
Day 8 – a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9 – a photo you took
Day 10 – a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
Day 11 – a photo of you recently
Day 12 – something you are OCD about
Day 13 – a fictional book
Day 14 – a non-fictional book
Day 15 – your dream house
Day 16 – a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 – an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)
Day 18 – my wedding/future wedding/past wedding
Day 19 – a talent of yours
Day 20 – a hobby of yours
Day 21 – a recipe
Day 22 – a website
Day 23 – a youtube video
Day 24 – where I live
Day 25 – your day, in great detail
Day 26 – your week, in great detail
Day 27 – my worst habit
Day 28 – whats in my handbag/purse
Day 29 – hopes,dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 – a dream for the future

Sunday, December 12


Hi Friends!
Can you believe that the last time I posted was in NOVEMBER? This is not ok.
I have missed everyone so much. We have had tons of internet issues lately, and it seems that whenever I have a moment, it's out. But not today! :)

Instead of going through the last few weeks, I'll just start with the recent.

-Side note: I have waited a long, long time to tell you guys about Toby (see previous post). We actually got Toby the second week in august, a few days before my birthday actually. So, he's pretty big now, still terribly adorable though!-

My baby

(Toby is a Pomchi, incase anyone was wondering. He's such a joy and I could not imagine my life without him!)

So, anyways, last weekend we went to pick out our first Christmas Tree! How exciting! :) Here are the photos!

Toby now! He's so big...but he looks so spiffy in his new coat!

We go every year to this random guy's house. He has a sign out by the road and you drive into his backyard and cut down our own tree.

That's our tree in the back! It's small, but perfect.

Merry Christmas!