Monday, November 30

Happy December


I just love christmas! :) It's not the presents, but it's the family love and especially the music. I think that there is something magical about Nat King Cole singing Christmas music. Or the most picturesque thing is reading a book, by the fire with a big mug of hot chocolate and watching those big, white flakes fall down. I love it.

In other news, school is almost done! (Which is another reason to celebrate!) I have decided to not go to school this next semester and instead work A LOT and get ready for the wedding. With Ryan and I moving in a year and a half, and I only need seven more classes, I might as well just enjoy this time in singledom. It was really a debate on if I should take this semester off or the fall when I will first be married, however, since we're getting married in June, I'll have a good two months with Ry before we have to go back.

Wedding planning is coming along GREAT! I have been searching for the perfect, cheap reception decorations, and I think that I found some pretty, romantic alternatives to the giant chinese paper lanterns (and these ones I can make for a few bucks!). What do you think?

So, I really like the frilly-ness of these, I think that they match my flowers (peonies, carnations and roses). I was going to do the fabric and christmas light thing, but it needed something else! Wha-la!! I was thinking about making them in the shades of pink, white and my sangria-raspberry color. I could vary the sizes as well. I haven't made any of them yet, and I actually just found this idea tonight, but I have six months before the wedding (and once school is done I will have a TON of time on my hands to do fun stuff like this!) so I think that I can pull it off. I'll post pictures of my attempts...:)

Let me know what you guys think....pretty or cheesy?

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