Tuesday, May 24

Spring is finally here!

That means the outside needs a make-over!

We (I mean, Ry) mowed the lawn for the first time the other day....

Todie and I watched and cheered him on. :) I can't wait to start planting flowers, we're planning on buying some this week. I can't wait to show you before and after photos! We do have lots of perennials coming up now-like our hostas and violas...and they are popping up even in our driveway cracks!

They are pretty....though! :)


Monday, May 23

It's not just me who has gotten a hair cut!

It's Toders too! :)





(Yes, Ryan is shaving his butt.)


(So much hair!)


He is so much cooler! And still super cute! :)
 If only my hair cut turned out so cute...


Sunday, May 22


So....Instead of telling this big ole story about what's been happening, I'll just show you pictures.

So, I won a free make-over. It was like "what not to wear"-I had to give them control of everything! They waxed by brows, did my make-up, and colored and cut my hair (that's why the first picture looks so scary, NO MAKEUP!). It happened like three weeks ago, and just recently, I have started to like it. I actually think it was because I was in shock-I had 14 inches cut off (and donated!) and it's grown about a half-inch. I can finally put it in a tiny baby pony. :) So, let me know what you think....! 


Saturday, May 14

April....Where did you go?!?

March 26. That's the last time I said hi. I'm a terrible friend. So, we're going to start things off slow...

What I've been reading....

This book is super original. It's written from a 5 year old, Jack's, point of view. His mom was kidnapped and kept in a room when she was 19. Seven years go by and Jack has grown up thinking that the 11 by 11 foot room is all the world is.  
It wasn't what I thought it was going to be, but it was surprisingly good. I really liked it, and it was really east to get into, which makes me like a book more. It was a quick read too, but still very entertaining. I love psychology, and this has a lot to do with Jack's development. 

There are a few more that I've been reading, and some other...shocking....happenings, but we're starting slow, remember?

I've missed you guys. :)
